Out With the Old… Is it Time to Re-evaluate Your IT Support?
It’s the beginning of the year- out with the old and in with the new, goodbye 2015, hello 2016! In all actuality, it is just another day, there is no cosmic enchantment that makes the beginning of 2016 any more fresh or promising than the end of 2015. Despite this, the New Year is a popular time to re-evaluate and set goals for improvement.
The New Year is also when many businesses re-evaluate their expenditures and decide what to cut, what to keep and what to add or replace. For example: Cut the subsidised gym membership which only seems to get mileage in January, keep Pizza Friday as everyone loves it and replace the coffee machine as the old one is a bit worse for wear and a single day in the office without caffeine is a terrible site to behold.
In the midst of these changes, it is important to re-evaluate your IT support and to determine whether or not all needs are met efficiently and in-budget. Desktop support and managed services are vital features necessary for the function of every business. We all need computers, but not everyone knows them inside out and can fix them when issues crop up.
Outsourcing your IT support through a managed service provider can give you everything you need and nothing you don’t in way of technical support for your business, allowing your employees to focus on their work rather than trying to fix the printer or figure out why their computer is off the network.
If your firm already has outsourced IT from an IT support company and you are un-happy with it or out-growing it, it may be time to explore other options. Not all IT and managed service providers are created equally, research carefully to determine which company would best meet the needs of your business.
We now say a fond farewell to 2015 and an enthusiastic hello to 2016! Best of luck to all your personal and professional endeavours in the year to come.
Further Reading:
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your IT Support
Choosing a Managed Service Provider
Interview Questions to Ask IT Support Companies – Part 1
Interview Questions to Ask IT Support Companies – Part 2