5 Must-See TED Talks on Cybersecurity and Hacking

Ted Talks are an excellent source of bite-size information on almost any subject, here are some of the best on the topic of  cybersecurity.

Lorrie Faith CranorWhat’s Wrong with Your Pa$$w0rd? by Lorrie Faith Cranor

Lorrie Faith Cranor has done extensive password research to figure out the common passwords people are using how these are then guesses and acquired by hackers. She has also developed a technique to choose secure passwords.



James Lyne TEDEveryday Cybercrime – and What You Can Do About It by James Lyne

James Lyne gives a summary of some of the most prevalent cyber threats that effect users on a daily basis world-wide and how they can be avoided.




Mikko Hyponen TEDFighting Viruses, Defending the Net by Mikko Hypponen

Brain.A was the first computer virus to infect PCs 30 years ago; Mikko Hyponen, recounts a brief history of malware and cyber criminals and how our online experience has been affected as a result.



Chris Domas TEDThe 1s and 0s Behind Cyber Warfare by Chris Domas

Cyber security researcher Christ Domas developed the use of visual abstraction to detect patterns in binary code which saves security professionals hundreds of man hours when attempting to decipher code.



KerenElazari TEDHackers: The Internet’s Immune System by Keren Elazari

Cyber security expert Keren Elazari outlines the positive impact that hackers, white-hat and otherwise, play in government policy, cyber security and the development of technology.



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Further Reading:

DDoS Mitigation: Preparing for the Worst

Blast from the Past: the Malware Museum

What is Phishing and How Can It Be Avoided


Metropolitan Networks spcialises in IT Support, Managed Services, Networking and Security. For more information about us and how we can help you please contact us. If you are interested in a FREE Cyber Security Assessment click here.

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